10 Bahan Alami Penangkal Kanker, Ternyata ada di Dapur!
Kesehatan adalah harta paling berharga yang kita miliki. Siapa sangka, rahasia untuk menjaga kesehatan dan mencegah kanker ternyata bisa ditemukan di dapur kita sendiri? Mari
Menjelajahi Dunia Sehat melalui Berita dan Artikel Terkini yang Menginspirasi.
Kesehatan adalah harta paling berharga yang kita miliki. Siapa sangka, rahasia untuk menjaga kesehatan dan mencegah kanker ternyata bisa ditemukan di dapur kita sendiri? Mari
Mengubah Paradigma Cek Kesehatan Seringkali, kita berpikir bahwa cek kesehatan hanya diperlukan saat tubuh mulai menunjukkan tanda-tanda kurang sehat. Namun, Dayyan ingin mengubah paradigma ini.
Industri pertambangan, konstruksi, dan manufaktur merupakan tulang punggung perekonomian global. Di balik kontribusi besar sektor-sektor ini, terdapat risiko kesehatan yang signifikan, terutama risiko terkena kanker.
Angelina Jolie, aktris terkenal dan filantropis, menjadi berita utama beberapa tahun lalu ketika dia mengambil keputusan berani untuk menjalani mastektomi ganda. Mastektomi adalah prosedur bedah
Anak-anak adalah cerminan dari lingkungan di mana mereka dibesarkan, terutama dari orang tua mereka. Orang tua dapat memengaruhi perkembangan anak secara signifikan, termasuk dalam menangani
Ungkapan bahwa “Indonesia memiliki beban kesehatan nasional yang tinggi akibat Kanker dengan fakta penyakit ini menempati urutan kedua penyebab kematian setelah stroke” membuat kanker seperti
Background: With increasing incidence and mortality, cancer is the leading cause of death in China and is a major public health problem. From 2003 to 2010, the incidence and mortality of ovarian cancer maintained a stable trend in China, but due to the large population, the new cases and deaths of ovarian cancer remain high. In 2015, approximately 52,100 women in China were diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and about 22,500 women died of ovarian cancer.
Background: Cancer Differentiation Analysis liquid biopsy (CDA) has been investigated as a viable clinical utility in NSCLC diagnosis, as well as a new candidate for part of an overall post-CT scan clinical diagnostic and treatment decision tool kit. It has been also evaluated in NSCLC diagnosis, combined with imaging technologies.
Background: For esophageal cancer, no viable non-invasive detection technologies are available today. In earlier investigations, Cancer Differentiation Analysis (CDA) Technology which measures information relating to both protein fragments and cellular signals in blood samples in a single test has showed a significant advantage in esophageal cancer diagnosis.
Background: Currently endoscopy examination takes an important role in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer, and there are no other clinically viable noninvasive diagnostic methods. In this investigation, a newly developed, novel IVD cancer diagnostic technology named Cancer Differentiation Analysis (CDA) Technology was investigated for colorectal cancer diagnosis. CDA is a new technology using multi-level and multi-parameter information which measures information relating to both protein fragments and cellular signals in blood samples in one single test.
BackgroundThe diagnostic accuracy of Cancer Differentiation Analysis (CDA) Technology has beenevaluated and verified in previous studies (Abstract No. e12578, e22171, e12587, and e15059). The aim of this study is to investigate the potential capability of CDA technology for breast cancer prognosis.
Background: A newly developed in-vitro diagnostic technology named Cancer Differentiation Analysis Technology (CDA) was investigated for breast cancer screening. The CDA technology is a blood-sample based, multi-level, multi-parameter diagnostic method which detects signals from both proteins and cells, in which multiple aspects and parameters of information were collected to improve diagnostic accuracy.
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