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You’re A Hard Worker? No Compromises!

Terkadang, kita hanya menyadari pentingnya menjaga kesehatan setelah mengalami masalah. Inilah mengapa pemeriksaan kesehatan rutin sangat berperan penting. Di dalam lingkungan kerja yang sibuk dan

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HealthWell-o-Meter: Si Detektif Kesehatan!

Apa sebenarnya yang kita ketahui tentang kesehatan kita? Kadang-kadang, kesehatan yang kita rasakan belum tentu mencerminkan keadaan sebenarnya. Disini kita akan membahas tentang HealthWell-o-Meter, alat

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Healthy Lifestlye

Pertahankan “Kunci Emas”

Mengapa Ini Penting? Mengapa kita perlu peduli tentang empat karakteristik gaya hidup sehat ini? Jawabannya sederhana, mereka adalah kunci menuju kehidupan yang lebih sehat dan

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Healthy Lifestlye

Hanya 3% yang Bertahan!

Menjaga Kunci Emas Gaya Hidup Sehat. Pada perkembangan teknologi terjadi juga evolusi gaya hidup yang saling terkait dengan gaya pengambilan keputusan. Peran emosi yang hadir

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Healthy Lifestlye

Feeling healthy or Being healthy?

Feeling Healthy and Being Health …. eh itu beti ya….. beda tipis… Bagus sekali motivasi kita merasa sehat, namun perlu kebenarannya. Medical Check Up tuh

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Investigations on non-small cell lung cancer screening


Background: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is one of the most common cancers in the world. The high mortality rate of lung cancer is partly due to that current image-based technologies are not sensitive enough to screen early lung cancer incidences. A new cancer diagnostics method, named Cancer Differentiation Analysis Technology (CDA hereafter), was developed for diagnosis of lung cancer. In CDA technology, multi-level and multi-parameter data information including protein fragments and cellular information are collected while most existing technologies are single parameter technology, e.g. bio-marker and gene test.

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Evaluation of a multi-level, multi-parameter detection method for digestive system cancer diagnosis


Background: Despite efforts in recent years, major progress in cancer diagnosis remains to be elusive. Existing issues include inability to detect cancer early, relatively low sensitivity and specificity, side effects (for some imaging based technologies), and relatively high costs. In this work, an initial evaluation was carried out on diagnosis of two digestive cancer sites, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and colorectal cancer, using a method named Cancer Differentiation Analysis technology (CDA) which measures both protein and cellular level information in blood in a single test. A performance comparison was made between CDA technology and traditional bio-marker method.

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Investigations of a new diagnostics technology for hepatocellular carcinoma screening.


Background: A newly developed diagnostic technology named Cancer Differentiation Analysis Technology (CDA) was investigated for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) screening. The CDA technology is a blood-sample based, multi-level, multi-parameter diagnostic method which detects signals from both proteins and cells, in which multiple aspects of information collected to improve diagnostic accuracy.

Methods: Blood samples from patients with HCC (n = 511), cirrhosis (n = 71) and other benign liver diseases (BLD) (n = 46), as well as control subjects (n = 79) were collected in EDTA tubes. CDA values were measured using a CDA device. After removing outliers, the final valid CDA data came from 485 HCC patients, 64 cirrhosis, 44 other benign liver diseases, and 75 controls. All data were analyzed and the results were shown in the table below.

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Investigations of an Improved Esophageal Cancer Diagnostics Approach


Background: For esophageal cancer, no viable non-invasive detection technologies are available today. In this investigation, a newly developed IVD cancer diagnostic technology named Cancer Differentiation Analysis Technology (CDA) was investigated for esophageal cancer detection. In a CDA technology, multi-level and multi-parameter information is collected using a medical device fabricated by Anpac Bio-Medical Science Co., Ltd. which measures information relating to both protein fragments and cellular signals in blood samples in a single test.

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