Pilihan di Tangan Kita: Merokok dan Kanker
Banyak dari kita mungkin pernah bertanya-tanya, “Seberapa besar sih risiko terkena kanker kalau saya merokok atau sering terpapar asap rokok?” Pertanyaan ini sangat wajar, mengingat
Menjelajahi Dunia Sehat melalui Berita dan Artikel Terkini yang Menginspirasi.
Banyak dari kita mungkin pernah bertanya-tanya, “Seberapa besar sih risiko terkena kanker kalau saya merokok atau sering terpapar asap rokok?” Pertanyaan ini sangat wajar, mengingat
Pernah dengar tentang hacker? hacker adalah sosok misterius yang bisa meretas sistem tanpa disadari, tiba-tiba saja merusak apa yang ada, mencuri data, bahkan menghancurkan segala
Oktober dikenal sebagai Bulan Kesadaran Kanker Payudara. Mari kita prioritaskan pencegahan—bukan menunggu hingga gejala muncul, melainkan bertindak lebih awal untuk memahami apa yang sedang terjadi
Coba bayangkan tubuh kita seperti pabrik kecil yang terus beroperasi. Di pabrik ini, ada sebuah mesin yang bertugas membuat bagian-bagian baru setiap hari. Setiap kali
Belakangan ini, istilah “doom spending” menjadi populer, terutama di kalangan milenial dan Gen-Z. Fenomena ini menggambarkan kebiasaan berbelanja secara berlebihan sebagai cara mengatasi stres akibat
Di dunia nyata, kita semua seperti pemain dalam sebuah game besar bernama kehidupan. Beberapa dari kita mungkin sudah dilengkapi dengan protokol keselamatan kerja yang melindungi
Abstract The purpose of this study was to find out how anxiety affects cancer detection and how early detection efforts are carried out in conjunction
Abstract Disclosures Background: A novel bio-physics based cancer detection technology named Cancer Differentiation Analysis Technology (CDA) has been developed and investigated for cancer treatment prognosis
Abstract ABSTRACT Background: Routine health checkup is an essential strategy for monitoring population health and maintaining healthy workforces. However, there was a lack of cancer
Background:While the current cancer screening methods mostly failed to detect cerebral cancer, a novel, promising technology named cancer differentiation analysis (CDA) technology has been developed to measure novel bio-physical properties to obtain valuable multi-level and multi-parameter information including protein, cellular and molecular level information. Initial results showed that CDA technology is capable of detecting cerebral cancer with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity.
Background:Early stage cancer detection remains to be elusive despite of many years of efforts. In this work, a bio-physical based marker (named Cancer Differentiation Analysis (CDA)) with multi-level and multi-parameter expression features has been developed which has shown a number of clear advantages over the traditional approaches such as bio-chemistry based marker, circulating tumor cell (CTC) and circuiting DNA (ct-DNA). In stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), sensitivity and specificity reached a record high of 85.2% and 93.0%, respectively.
Background: Cervical cancer is the most common malignant tumor of female reproductive tract, with the second highest incidence in female malignant tumors and even the highest in some developing countries. Cervical cancer accounts for about 500,000 new cases worldwide each year, accounting for 5% of all new cases of cancer, more than 80% of which are in developing countries. The number of deaths of cervical cancer in China is about 53,000 per year, accounting for about 18.4% of all female malignant tumor deaths. Cervical cancer is a leading disease that endangers the health and life of women in China.
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